So hor, that day at Meijer I saw that Ferrero came out with DARK CHOCOLATE flavor!! I was so excited. I love dark chocolate. And I love Ferrero. Now that they both come together it's like i get a pay raise and tiok the 4D at the same time.
So, to share the joy, here i present, tang tang tang tang..

Top view. Packaging still nice, like ferrero rocher, but dark and full of antioxidants.

But, once opened, can see that instead of nuts cam chocolate, it's actually coated with dark chocolate bits

Take a bite..yum yum... the interior still got the biskut/wafer layer, but the cream inside is dark chocolate cream (what's the proper term - ganache??) . And here's the disappointment - in the middle is not a but. It's a solid dark chocolate creamy piece.

Side view.

Conclusion. Not as nice as ferrero rocher la. what a let down. But finish it anyway. It's still good though it missed greatness by an inch.