Sunday, May 06, 2007

And only under these conditions

So recently my dearest friend P used this as her tag in msn: "Love is a decision, not a feeling"
Seeing as she is about to get married to a great guy, I treat with great reverence everything she says about love and marriage. And boobs. ahem. Cos you know, she is getting MARRIED, committing the rest of her LIFE to ONE lucky guy, and hence must know some truths about life and love that are elusive to us ignorant (and maybe therefore) unmarried girls.
So, even though her tag was not new to me, i was somehow awed by it and the meaning that it could bring into my life.

The next time she was online, i was brimming with hope that I'd finally found my personal guru who will lead me to successful relationship, answering the ever popular question of "how do i know if he is the one?" and maybe even write a book at the side. The conversation went something like this:

kampung girl (being very earnest): so love is a decision and not feelings huh?

P: (silent cos she was busy talking to her fiance, no doubt debating the names of their future babies)

kg (getting a bit impatient): what extent is love a decision?

Pause. Then,
P: I think when you are tired and jaded with life..then love is decision

kg: ...(a bit stunned)... BWAHAHAHAHA.

i love my kooky friends. They say the most delicious things.


PT said...

Like singer Jacky Cheung said...Love is Like a Dream
PT say: Live your life as you dream of, coz there is no one stopping you, from achieving what you dream of, after all, love is also a dream.
So to you, is dream a decision as well? I think it's a little of both

Anonymous said...

Gal, did I really say that? Woh, I am kinda suprise too haha

kampung girl said...

pt, yes. but the problem is, sometimes one gets lost a little bit about what one wants. and takes some time to clear things up.
anonymous p,
yes you really did. hehehe..