Tuesday, March 06, 2007

tung tung tung tung

The result of "To phD or not to phD, that is the question" is in. And the winner is...The chicago job with the 5 figure salary (as in total annual salary lah) ! Congratulations, Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary, how do you feel about this victory?

Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary: Phew, I tell ya, sista, that there is sumthing of a close call. wuz afraid that girl there be stupid enough to choose ideals over money! hahahaha.. (wiping sweat of the 5 figure face).

Whoa, those are pretty harsh words, Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary...

Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary (turning a nice shade of orange): hehehe..just kidding, just kidding. Gosh, you people gotta lighten up. I mean, come on, ya know she done made the right choice. She done old and poor, alone in a foreign land. It's time to shore up some of em greenbacks, ya know what I'm sayin?

Well, Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary, late twenties is not exactly old, you know. Futhermore, experts interviewed say that if she goes the phD route, she would have recovered the "financial losses" incurred while in grad school in no time, if she gets a job in industry after that.

Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary: Her parents think she's gettin old, don't they? and, I hear the big IF in your sennntence.

I am pretty sure her parents didn't mean it that way. Anyway, the experts also say that having a phD proves the girl's versatility and trainability - she would in fact be much more marketable, and be perceived as a totally brainy chick(which is a lethal combination)! Plus when it comes to career advancement, phD totally kicks ass!

Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary: expert shmurzert. She got me, ain't she? you want experts? i got this university full of experts, them asian experts says the opposite. Strange how all the white chicks and brothers think so highly of education.

Are you implying that race plays a part in this.

Mr chicago job with 5 figure salary looks left and right before saying: ya know, i shouldn't be sayin this, it aint no race, it that dang nationality. foreign people always gets short changed. bloody visa sponsorship, and nationality requirement! Back in them old days... (starts rambling while mumbling)

OooooK! Let's quickly turn to miss phD. What say you, Miss phD?

Ms phD, calm, cool and collected as always (hey, her last name IS Doctorate after all): The girl will be back. No worries. I know her. She'll be back, if not next year, then the year after next, or the year after next after next. Any year. But she will be back. And YOU, you can call me philli. *giggles*


PT said...

what do you really want?

kampung girl said...

i guess i just want to be happy, healthy and rich. :)
Well, i dont really know what to do with the D after i get it, and it's a huge commitment. So, since i don't know what i'd use it for yet, i'll leave it aside for now.